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You will advise a client on choosing spectacle and special lenses.
Nutritional Assistant
We shall measure, check the weight and build up a diet plan.
Certified Laboratory Technician
You will provide a precise and highly qualified examination of any biological material.
Certified Optician
You will work with the top modern optical lens grinding machines.
Laboratory assistant
Laboratory examination is crucial for the diagnosis and treatment of your health problems.
Certified Pharmaceutical Assistant
You will prepare any medicine tailored to humans or animals, based on a medical prescription.
Certified Dental Technician
Detail also matters.
Dental Nurse
Sports and Reconditioning Masseur
Certified Nutrition Therapist
Certified Dental Hygienist
Asisstant of Dental Technician
Brand new teeth By us are no Bother, We shall Build them for your Bright-smiling Best.

News and Events

Our school is again participating in the European Erasmus Days celebrations this year! From 14 to 19 October you can take part in many interesting activities with an international dimension. Taste international cuisine, compete, work creatively with your classmates on interesting topics, hear about the experiences of participants in mobility abroad and see inspiring photos from their trips abroad.
The winners of this year EITA have been announced. EITA 2023 has awarded the best innovative projects under Erasmus+ in the field of school education and vocational education and training.
Setting off abroad, our students joined in the project “Do světa!" 2023 under the South Moravian Region funding. This five-day trip to three of our foreign neighbours aimed at learning about professional skills, technological procedures and education in the field of optical industry and a modern optician.

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Projects and partners

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26. 11. 2019
23. 1. 2020
den otevřených dveří (11–17 hodin) do 1. 3. 2020podání přihlášek ke vzdělávání
  • 14. 4. a 15. 4. 2020jednotná zkouška z českého jazyka a matematiky